Support your body to feel better!


How is it work?

The NEUROPOSITIVE method is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice. You should not use this information to diagnose or treat a health problem or disease without consulting with a qualified health care provider; rather, it offers a potentially beneficial method that complements the body feel better.

More Information Click Here

NeuroPositive Life Coaching aims to raise one's happiness and emotional set-points to a higher level, enabling greater personal problem-solving ability, enlarging and engaging the capacity to learn more quickly, increasing creativity, and raising levels of life satisfaction and personal well-being. We know that this increases thriving at a cellular level. We coach people from languishing to flourishing.


NeuroPositive Life Coaching increases the ability to set short-term and long-term goals, and increases the likelihood of reaching goals that are real and satisfying when they are achieved. We lead our clients to the discovery and articulation of their own personal life vision.

Growing a neuropositive mind is the lubricant of the neuroplasticity that grows both a healthy brain and an evolving mind.


90% of your brain potential lies in the inter-connectedness of neurons -- neuropathways talking to each other and building new structures of reasoning and meaning-making.


You can more effectively manage moods, you can raise your happiness set-point, elevate your emotional set-point with consistency, and do the meaning-making in your life that gives you a sense of personal significance at every stage and major transition of your adult life.


You can capably create what you come to know you really want in a process that engages and enlarges your fuller human potential and creates a resilient, thriving, and meaningful life, all the days of your life.


You can learn to do it for yourself and you can learn to help those you love and care about do the same.




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Body and Soul Balance LLC

285 East 950 South, Orem, Utah 84058

Open: Monday to Saturday 10:00 am to 7:00

Ph 801-615-3343

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